Saving is a first step in financial planning. Saving money gets tougher if it is not planned. Change in small spending habits make a huge difference. Individuals work hard to make a better future, but most of them spend more and save less for future.
One needs to start with simple weekly, monthly budgeting. Do not waste money on products which may not be necessary at the moment.
1. Set aside required amount before you spend. You can do this by auto sweep feature which most of the banks are offering. This feature will automatic book fixed deposit as per your instructions.
2. Make use of recurring deposits which will help you set aside a certain amount of money every month. Know more.
3. You can reduce your spending only if you know where you are spending it and make sure you think twice before making a purchase.
4. Do not accumulate any new debt, this will lower your credit score. A good credit score will help you if you have any big plans such as availing home loan.
5. The best way to reduce spending is to avoid using credit card which acts as spoiler of savings most of the time. Using cash will make you spend less and you can track your spending easily.
6. When you get tempted to buy something do alternative things to your mind busy.
7. Make a simple budget and try to update that sheet on daily basis so that you know where you stand. Make use of App which will help you save and track your expenses.
8. Saving does not necessarily mean not to spend at all. Be a clever spender and make use of the discounts and other offers but do not fall for them. Buy things based on needs not based on discounts and offers.
9. Cut spending on luxury items which can only provide temporary comforts. Make less use of vehicles and more of walking which will also make your healthier.
10. Before going for shopping make a list of necessary things and stick to it. Going out without the buying list will definitely make you buy unnecessary things and forget the required things.
There is nothing wrong in pampering yourself with luxury and lifestyle oriented products. However, make sure you save enough to spend the life with the same luxury.
One must always be prepared for financial hard times. Saving small amounts on regular basis will definitely tend to make you financially healthy and you will understand the importance of savings and disadvantages of being shopaholic.
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